District Job-Alike for Certificated Staff
April 17, 2017
WHS Auditorium
7:45-9:00 a.m.
Keynote: John Antonetti, Author and Engagement Expert
“Zip it and flip it!” says John Antonetti, our keynote speaker for the April job-alike. Like Marcia Tate and Eric Jensen, Antonetti believes less teacher talk and more student talk is key to engaging students in their learning. His presentation will help us explore high-impact tasks and analyze the components of rigor to find what engages students and helps them make meaning in all content areas. Using his rubric and lesson planning tools, we will hone our current practice and learn how to create stronger, learner-focused tasks, and build powerful formative assessments from the standards. Antonetti’s keynote is a great fit for our focus on engagement within PBIS. Teachers, administrators and parents recognize his humor and parables as relevant examples of the power of teachers.
Follow-up session for school representatives
District Office Main Board Room
Follow-up session - open to all interested staff members
WHS Commons
John Antonetti has had the great fortune to teach at all grade levels, K-12. He served as supervisor of gifted programs in the 18 districts of the Northwest Arkansas Education Service Cooperative before moving to Sheridan, Arkansas, where he worked as the Director of K-12 Curriculum. Once described by Larry Lezotte as a “teacher’s teacher,” Antonetti is an advocate of project-based learning and recognizes that all students learn best when they work together to solve real world problems in safe, cooperative environments. Antonetti currently partners with schools and districts across the country to bring about increased student achievement through high-yield best practices that include student engagement, rigor and relevance.
Antonetti is the author of several books, including 17,000 Classroom Visits Can’t Be Wrong, Strategies That Engage Students, Promote Active Learning, and Boost Achievement.